'Program displays menu screen of ALARM.EXE for remote access. 'by Michael Krabach 'May 26, 1994 'revised 4-20-94 for sequential screen saves. 'To use this program, 'download the files MENU*.LOG from the remote computer, 'then execute SEEMENU. After viewing, if is more than one menu*.log "r" will 'continue to read them in order as they occurred. CLS DEF SEG = &hb800 count1=0 startsee: ON ERROR GOTO reset_count BLOAD "menu"+LTRIM$(STR$(count1))+".log" waitabit: a$=INKEY$: IF a$="" THEN waitabit INCR count1 GOTO startsee CLS END reset_count: count1=0 CLS INPUT "Repeat or exit? (r/e)"; ans$ IF ans$="r" OR ans$="R" THEN RESUME END